
Do As Infinity( 大無限樂團 ) 鬥魚歌詞
1.rumble fish鬥魚


無情にも 始まり出す私を残して
明日は 逃げずに そこにあるのか

目に映る すべてのものが

流れ流され 夢に見とれないように

静かに 朝日は私の影落として
明日は逃げずに そこにあるのか
運命の 糸を見つけて
自分のこの手で つかんだなら
自由の海へと たどりつくまで
今は 私らしくいられますように

真実は 心で決める
過ちは 時を止める

1つ手に入れ また1つ失う どうして?

容赦なく 雨にうたれて
つぶれそうに なりながらも まだ
巨大な迷路の中 彷徨う

無情にも 始まり出す私を残して
明日は逃げずに そこにあるのか
今は 私らしくいられますように

2.My wish – My life


この場所にいる 確かな証拠(もの)を
手さぐりで 探してみた
まだ見ぬ 明日を見つめては…
泣いていた 苛立ってた

バランスとりながら 綱渡りの毎日…

※誰もが皆 My life 見つけて
この手に今 選んだから
それが全て My wish 自分の足で
生きてゆくよ 信じた道※

出会いが複雑に 絡んで
切れない キズナになって
その上を 又今日も渡って

与えられることに 満足しないように…

誰もが皆 soldier 負けずに
傷つくのを 恐れないで
逃げる事は always いつでもできる
ほんの少し 休めばいい

誰もが皆 病む時代に
この手に今 選んだから
ふと気づいて 立ち止まっても




Summer days, I can't stand the summer days.
Frozen cocktails and night fireworks,
what's so great about them anyway?
Summer day, let it be some other day.
Seaside motels and sex on the beach,
don't be thinking I went all the way.
I hate summer days.

Rushing down the traffic, to the beach, that's jammed
for blocks and blocks.
They ain't getting no where. Still miles and miles left
to go.
Strutting down the street, the girls, they try to
impress their boyfiend-to-be.
I give up and don't try. Every day is a bad hair day.
Guys, they come up with lame pick-up lines.
Desperate to just get laid.
Damn, give me a freaking break!

Summer days, I can't stand the summer days.
Frozen cocktails and night fireworks,
what's so great about them anyway?
Summer day, let it be some other day.
Seaside motels and sex on the beach,
don't be thinking I went all the way.
Goddamn summer days.

Kate was the one,
who said that life was made to be enjoyed.
Stop crinkling your face. Everything will turn out okay.
Serving table to table, up and down the isle, had on a
face I'd never seen.
Whatever happened to her?
Who has stolen your smiles away?
Who said that summer can brighten the mood of fate?
Nothing is going to change.
Damn, give me a freaking break!

Summer days, I can't stand the summer days.
Frozen cocktails and night fireworks,
what's so great about them anyway?
Summer day, let it be some other day.
Seaside motels and sex on the beach,
don't be thinking I went all the way.
Who needs summer days.

Summer days, they have never been the same.
Once you left and were out of my sight,
leaving no trace behind.
Summer day, why oh why on a summer day?
You were gone without saying goodbye,
taking it all away.
No more summer days.